Self-Discernment with Avery Kalapa


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Dare To Listen, the podcast

Religion & Spirituality

This episode has the groundedly, fierce Avery Kalapa (yoga practitioner, community weaver, and wellness organizer). This conversation was recorded days after Adam Toledo and Daunte Wright's murders and among harmful transphobic information & legislation continue to endanger those we love. Self-discernment (or viveka which is the Sanskrit for discernment) is a running theme as we talked about the dynamics of white supremacy, disrupting habits & systems of harm, sustaining action within activism, permission for our mystic selves to express our art.    Hear Avery explore how developing spiritual and/or movement practice(s) can support our discernment especially while navigating social locations. We talk about Resma Menakem's book, My Grandmother's Hands and Resma's discernment invitation relating the fight, flight, freeze and annihilate responses within our nervous systems, which could also be acting from our samskaras. Bonus, Dorothy (Nameh's neighbor donkey) makes her presence known during the conversation too.  ___ Avery is a community weaver, wellness organizer, and a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, eRYT500, YACEP, BFA, with 20 years experience in yoga. Avery's approach is rooted in anti oppression: yoga for inner healing towards collective liberation. They love creating healing spaces that that don't require assimilation for queer & trans folks, outsiders and changmekers to often left out of mainstream yoga. Celebrated for their enthusiasm, accessibility, and depth of technique, their teaching reflects a deep gratitude for the Iyengar Lineage.     Avery is involved in various yoga equity projects, such as ABQ Queer Trans Community Yoga. They're also a gardener, and parent. Avery is a white, queer, nonbinary settler grateful to live on unceded Tiwa land, in Albuquerque NM.   Show Resources:  Avery's contacts - website newsletter instagram facebook  recent IGTV live hosted @susannabarkataki with Susanna Barkataki + many trans yoga enthusiasts Honor Native Land Tax  Albuquerque SURJ  White Supremacy Culture by Tema Okun My Grandmother's Hands by Resma Menakem  White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo  Ursula Le Guin, author quoted Lilla Watson, visual artist quoted  Details of the 80+ Anti-Trans bills  Audio by AGSoundtrax, Don't Look Back