Sen. Harris: Fed. gov. has responsibility to support states


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AM Joy


Coronavirus bill complaints and demands from many in the GOP such as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are criticized by Sen. Kamala Harris who tells Joy Reid she is "fighting for" more support for working people in coming legislation. And: The coronavirus response and decision to reopen many businesses in the state of Georgia by Gov. Brian Kemp is questionable Atlanta Mayor Keshia Bottoms tells Joy Reid, adding that she does think helping the economy in Georgia "should be at the risk of people's lives." Plus: The coronavirus response in Georgia orchestrated by Gov. Brian Kemp is being slammed as politically motivated by politics experts, who harshly critique Kemp's decision to reopen key businesses in Georgia. Next: Donald Trump's coronavirus disinfectant"'treatment" idea is slammed by doctors and other experts as dangerous and deadly. Joy Reid and her panel discuss. Finally: Joy sits down with an expert journalist on Palantir, a private company that will partner with the U.S. government on coronavirus testing, and which has been called, "the weaponization of surveillance capitalism." All this and more in this Saturday edition of AM JOY on MSNBC.