September 26, 2021 - We Follow A Good King


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McKernan Baptist Church Podcast

Religion & Spirituality

As we continue to find ourselves in a long period of uncertainty, it is important for us to get our bearings again around what it means to be God's people moving forward, We will let the Biblical images of kingdom, family and body guide us this fall in this exploration of who we are as people who call ourselves Christians. As God's people, we are an expression of God's Kingdom. This means we follow King Jesus, who is a Truly Good King. Jesus, our King, Has Ushered in a Restored Way to Live Jesus began His ministry by calling people to live under the dominion of the renewed Kingdom He came to establish (Mk. 1:13-14, Mt. 4:17). He described the life in this Kingdom as possessing true justice, vision, and human freedom under the restored order of God. As God's people, we are followers of the good way of Jesus, our King. Jesus, our King, Has Provided Us Entrance into this Way Jesus' ministry on earth did much more than model and teach a way to live. He spoke of entrance to His Kingdom through recognition of our need (Mt. 5:3-6) and then died on a cross and rose again to provide forgiveness of our sin and restoration to the life He offers (Rev. 1:5b-6; Col. 2:13-15). Jesus has sacrificially provided the way for us to enter into restored life with Him, but we must respond by turning to Him in humble faith. Jesus, our King, Walks With Us in this Way. As Jesus ended His earthly ministry, He assured His followers that He would not leave them alone as an aloof, uninvolved King (Mt. 28:20), but would walk with them in the person of the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:16-18). As God's people, we are empowered to live by the active presence of God. Discussion/Reflection Questions ? What does it mean to you to when you hear, "Jesus is King?" ? As Christians, we are followers of the way of Christ. To be a Christian is a verb! What are the implications of this in everyday living? How does this challenge you today? ? By His life, death and resurrection, Jesus made possible entrance into His Kingdom. Why was this necessary? Have you entered the Kingdom of God by admitting your sin and turning to Christ (repentance) in humble belief? ? King Jesus has not left you alone, but has made His presence available to you in the Person of the Holy Spirit. What difference is this making in your life? How do you express your dependence on God's Spirit?