Soil Sista Saturday Episode #4 | August 21, 2021 | Corn, Sunflower, lettuce, composting challenges of fall planting


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Green Organic Gardener Podcast


Read the somewhat edited podcast here. Can you hear me? Right? JackieMarie 00:00:07 I can hear you good. And you can hear me, which is good because my microphone doesn't work anymore and so I'm just using my Macbook, which is like a podcasting sin, according to most podcasters. But what can you do? There's plenty of episodes I've like put out there where I'm just talking to my phone while I'm driving, which is like, worse, almost as bad as this. But anyway, I'll get a new microphone one of these soon days, I feel like it's the cable. And like my old microphone cable's probably somewhere, but I can't find it. But you know what I did find, I found your door prize for coming to the Grow Live finally. JackieMarie 00:00:48 Remember, I was like, I have a door prize for Aileen. I couldn't find anywhere and I finally found it going through my teaching stuff last night or yesterday morning looking for some good job stickers for this kid. So I'll get that shipped off to you with like, I think I have like a little package for you I've been putting together. Aileen 00:01:08 Oh, that's sweet Jackie. JackieMarie 00:01:11 But I was glad to find that. Cause I was like, gosh, what did I do? Did I finally give it away? Whatever happened to that? Like I just was baffled where it was. Aileen 00:01:19 How was your job last week? JackieMarie 00:01:22 Oooo my job. I just feel like it's like lessons, you know, I'm learning a lot about prepping food, which like, I kind of want to start like either a food truck or farm to table, or like there's that salad bar. What is it? A salad jar lunch club, is what I really think would be my best bet if I can find. And I might've even found like a commercial kitchen, there's a new bakery in town and I almost went in there yesterday morning, but I had to get back for that interview that didn't happen to say, Hey, you know, if you're baking early in the morning, maybe I could use your kitchen in the afternoon because that guy, Brandon Youst told me, he's like, instead of a food truck, you're better off doing this lunch club model where you make salads in a glass jar, which I liked the whole glass jar, recycling thing. JackieMarie 00:02:17 And people order them on Thursday. You put them together on Sunday or Monday and deliver them Monday. So there's no waste because you know, people have paid for them ahead of time. So he's like your profit margins are better. You're not worrying about like cooking a bunch of food for a food truck that like, you know, who knows, maybe you'll get there and it's pouring rain, nobody shows up. Or like you don't know, you know? And he's like, you're getting paid ahead of time. So there's no wasted food. And he just said it was a better business model. And then I went on Instagram and there's like a million salad jar, like if you type in hashtag #saladjar, you see like a bunch of cool recipes and people that are doing it. And I saw that, what they do is they put the salad dressing on the bottom. JackieMarie 00:02:57 And I also realized the mistake I was making see, like in my head, I was thinking if I joined a salad called, like, what I was thinking was like, I was going to get five salads for the week, while I was at work and someone was going to deliver them to me on Monday. And I was going to have my five salads for the week at work in my fridge. And I'm like, how are these? You know, like, but that's not how it works. It's like, you just buy the one salad for like Monday. It's like a fancy salad. So I'm also learning like, you know, what salads do they have at this place? You know? I mean, it's a restaurant it's, you know, back of the house, it's, the pay is pathetic. It was like, what? How much? Got my first check yesterday. I'm like, it doesn't even have like a, I'm like, where's the thing that tells me is this for two... Support this podcast