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Doing A Good.


As exciting as the new Lion King, Ken & Car are back on the couch this week with a friend! Jessica Dobson is a magical musician (Deep Sea Diver), important & special friend, and all-around beautiful, wise, sharp, kind, funny and insightful human bean who has come to share the moments to be treasured forever. Ken & Jess tell the beginning of their Friendship Love Story which segues somehow seamlessly into Ken’s New Metal Moment & Actor-Turned-Musician Moments starring Jeremy Renner. In Beefy News, Jess shares the history of her musical journey, and the friends explore the ways we use social media personally & professionally, vulnerability in sharing & connection, and the balance of jumping through necessary hoops while staying true to your purpose. Finally, Jess & Ken recount their recent Zoo Concert Experience which is full of lols and take-aways. Plus: Rude movie snacks! Hot elite musical projects (Blip)! Actor-turned-musician moments starring Jeremy Renner! Jerry goes to the doctor! Cooking! Bug Bites! And more! Jessica Dobson’s band, Deep Sea Diver, can be found at: Thisisdeepseadiver.com & on Instagram: @thisisdeepseadiver