SPECIAL GUEST-Sunny Dawn Johnston!


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Religion & Spirituality

 "Join me and special guest, Sunny Dawn Johnston for a magical show. She is a speaker the Celebrate Your Life conferences with Neale Donald Walsch, Doreen Virture, Marianne Williamson, and many other famous authors, and she is amazing."  Sunny is a gentle, loving and supportive inspirational teacher, author, motivational speaker, psychic medium and founder of Sunlight Alliance LLC. She has helped thousands of people across the country find their personal spiritual connection, recognize and “own” their natural spiritual gifts, and listen to their inner truth.    Sunny has an exciting new book called, "Invoking the Archangels- A Nine-Step Process to Heal Your Body, Mind and Soul." Attend her national Livingroom Book Tour here in Raleigh, NC October 14th! For more information go to:http://sdjbooktourraleigh.eventbrite.com/    Sunny will use her Divinely endowed gifts to answers to your questions, so be sure to call or chat in. You do not want to miss this show! it will be filled with inspiration, enlightenment, and most of all, empowerment. Read more about Sunny at:www.sunnydawnjohnston.com