SREI 130: AJ Osborne - Passive Income Saved His Family When He Became Paralyzed


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We meet AJ Osborne on Secrets to Real Estate Investing with Hard Hat Holly. AJ is a real estate investor and self-described ‘Freedom Fighter’ who has built up a $100 million portfolio in real estate. AJ started in sales and moved into self-storage and real estate to create supplemental income. Then he was struck with a rare disorder called Guillain Barre Syndrome right as his business was reaching success.  He was on life support for months unable to move, eat, or breathe. Slowly, AJ learned how to walk again and is still recovering. The real miracle is that his family was taken care of through their real estate income. Now AJ’s goal is to help everyone become financial freedom fighters. What you’ll learn in this episode: - The importance of adding value in every investment you make - How to take into account economic cycles in your investing - The importance of supply and demand in your deals - How to create a blueprint of wealth  FREE Download: AJ’s Freedom Calculator to help you map out your wealth plan. Get it by filling out the form on this page or by texting the word “hardhat” to 38470. Learn more from AJ: Podcast: