Starting a Student Innovation Lab (How We Did It At My School)


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Inside Innovation


DT Phase Activity Empathy/ Look and Learn Visit #1: The Science Behind our Brains and What People Care About. Team-Building Activity: Escape the Room Objective: Identifying problems and who those problems impact. Researching Visit #2: Effective research and study design How to Make Toast Objective: A plan of action for researching ideas and defining/refining their audience needs. Ideating Visit #3: Navigating Ideas from a Brainstormed List Whiteboard Activity Objective: Come with current data and analysis. Choose problem to work on and begin ideating (coming up with solutions) Prototyping/ Creating Visit #4: Narrowing Solutions and Rapid Prototype Rapid Prototyping Challenge Objective: Finalize 1-2 solutions and come up with a plan for prototyping/creating solution. Revise/Iteration Visit #5: How to Use Feedback to Improve Your Solution Pitch Your Product Objective: Pitch finalized prototype and develop plan for getting feedback for further iteration. Launch Visit #6: Product-Market Fit and Successfully Sharing Your Solution with the World Objective: Plan for how to sell, pitch, and market your solution to the masses (your audience).