Step 2: Who Exactly Will You Serve?


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Personal Brand Journey with Jamie M Swanson


Hey, it's Jamie here and this is the third podcast in a series all about how I am beta launching my new course. Now I'm walking you through the entire process step by step, and if you've missed the last couple of episodes where I went through the big overview of how I'm doing this and then started breaking it down, you're going to definitely want to go back to episode 12. [00:00:24]In season two and start there because that's the overview where I give you the big picture. And in here today I'm going to talk about the second step, which is who exactly are you going to serve and why? That's so important to know, [00:00:38] I'm going to tell you about the process that I'm using to get really specific with that and the mistake that you need to avoid. To make sure that you don't end up with nobody signing up for your beta course, right? We want to actually get people in the door. So the key thing in this is that we want to get as absolutely specific as possible with who we want to serve so that we can speak to their needs. More clearly now I see a lot of new entrepreneurs coming into the online space saying, Oh gosh, well, I could help anybody. I shouldn't narrow it down because then I might turn people away. [00:01:28] And I see this with photographers too. In the photography industry, people are like, Oh, I can photograph anything, and they don't want to get specific. But when you're trying to talk to a CEO who needs a very formal headshot. And to a new mom who wants newborn photos all in the same website page. Your messaging has to be so generic and broad in order to speak to both of them that it's not really gonna resonate with either of them nearly as well as if you were saying. [00:01:57] Speaking to one very specifically, and so the more specific you can get here, the more effective you can be. Now, this is hard for me too, because I know that this new course that I'm bringing into the world that's going to help people create this. Devoted group of advocates that are basically in a market for them for free. [00:02:18]This could really benefit anybody who sells anything online or not. But I can't just sell it to any entrepreneur because then my messaging to get the word out there is not going to be very tight. [00:02:31] In fact, even just saying it like that here isn't very tight because honestly, messaging is the hardest part, and so I've had to spend some time thinking about who is the type of person that I want to serve super specifically, just because I can help. Anybody who's an entrepreneur do this doesn't mean that I should, and it doesn't mean that it's going to be the best result if I try and keep it that broad. [00:02:57] So the more you can narrow it down and become specific, the more effective your messaging is going to be, plus the more effective your course content is going to be in helping them get results. And you need to be getting people results in your beta course so that they can give you testimonials and stories so that you can launch this again. [00:03:16] And have a, you know, a lot of momentum on your side. Get more people in it the next time you do it. So what I've done is I kind of sat down and said, who would the most fun person to be to work with and to have in this course, like who is already perfectly situated and ready to go to get results from what I want to teach right away? [00:03:37] Those people are going to be the best people for my beta course because if they're. In the right place and they're ready to get results, and I don't have to do a bunch of prep work beforehand, then it becomes easy and it becomes fun. So for me, I'm not going to be going after people who are just starting out, who don't know what they're going to sell, or maybe even are, you know, beta launching their very first product. [00:04:02] So if you're listening here and you're beta launching something and you've never sold anything online before, this is probably not going to be the best fit for you. This is going to be better for people who are already established on entrepreneurs who already have a product that sells, that they can scale. [00:04:22] So it doesn't have to be online education, but it does have to be something that they can sell in mass quantities and not a service like photography where you can only work with a handful of people yourself like you don't need. In fact, you wouldn't want 10,000 clients in a year. For photography. That would be a nightmare for them unless they want to do a big agency and scale that way. [00:04:46] I'm talking about people who sell courses, people who sell products that you know they can sell to thousands and thousands of people. Anything that can really scale where you can grow a very large group. Of raving fans who are just excited to tell everybody about what you're selling. And yes, this would work for people who do services, but I'm going to focus on the people who can scale because frankly, it's easier for me to customize my content and get them results when I know that everybody's on the same page for that. [00:05:21] Now, the other thing is that they have to be the vision. And strategy person for their business. I had a friend asked me this who said, Hey, should I send my team member through it? Would it be valuable for them? Now, they might get some value from it, but the way that I'm going to be teaching this course is going to be talking about a higher level business strategy and it's going to help people get a lot of clarity around what they're already doing. [00:05:46] Because I found that once people hit a certain level in business, specifically around six figures or. You know, maybe 200 to $300,000 their businesses are kind of messy and they've been doing a lot of it themselves, and they really need to clarify what they're doing and simplify it so that it can multiply. [00:06:04] That's kind of the three words that I live by is clarify, simplify, multiply. And so I need somebody who can make those decisions at a high level. Without having to consult a ton of people and who can see the vision and the strategy behind what I teach and set up the processes to implement that. So I'm looking for, [00:06:25] preferably people who are in the six figures, not only because they're already profitable and have something that sells, but they have a different mindset than somebody who's just coming in at the bottom level. I'm also looking for people who take action fast. This is especially important for a beta course because a big part of why I'm doing the beta course. [00:06:47] Is to get feedback from the people who are in the course itself so that I can make it better if I teach it again in the future, and so that I can get success stories from them as they implement it so that I can use those to promote the course in the future. I also am looking specifically for people who value building a community. [00:07:08] If somebody is just looking to sell a product and doesn't actually care if there's a community of people built around it, they're not going to be a good fit for this because community and connection is a big part of what I teach and what I do. Frankly, I really don't want people who are just in it to make money. [00:07:25] I want people who genuinely care about the people they work with. And about getting their clients results. That's really important for the strategy that I teach. If they aren't getting results, they're not going to be these raving advocates, these amazing fans who are willing to market for you because people don't do word of mouth advertising if they haven't gotten amazing results themselves. [00:07:45] So that's key. Like if they aren't doing that. And they don't have a product that actually gets people results. This isn't going to be a good fit for them because they're going to have to restructure everything they do. They might even need to recreate products, and that's going to put them way behind, but I do need those action takers who are ready and willing to take action on what I teach them so that they can start seeing results faster as opposed to slower. [00:08:10]I also want to make sure that the people who join this have a deeper purpose behind their business that other people can get excited about. So, for example, Stu McLaren, you've heard me talk about him a loads in season one of the podcast. He's still a dear friend of mine. I'm still in his mastermind and think he's great. [00:08:28] He attracts impact-driven entrepreneurs who want to make a difference in this world, who, yes, they want to make a ton of money so that they can leverage that money and really make the world a better place. That's a deeper purpose that a lot of people can get behind. In fact, when I heard that in his marketing videos the very first time he launched the tribe course that he sells. [00:08:49] I was sold because there are so many people online who show photos of themselves, but you know, with a personal jet behind them, or bro marketers with their flashy cars and their, you know, like fraternity dreams, let's just, unless there's call it what it is, you know, and I just, those aren't my people. I don't want people who are just in it for the money in the status and the fancy stuff. [00:09:12] Now, there's nothing wrong with having any of that stuff. But if that's their sole driver and they don't really care. If they change people's lives for the better and they don't really care about making an impact in the world or having a deeper purpose for their business, they're not my people. They're not going to be a good fit for this. [00:09:29] Because another big part of this that I teach is having this deeper purpose that other people can also rally behind. And so thinking through how I teach my course and. What kinds of people would be most likely to get results fast from it? I've been able to narrow this down to a very specific kind of person. [00:09:52] Now I'm focusing on values. I'm focusing on some of the milestones that they've hit. I'm not focusing on specific niches so much because it that doesn't really matter. Like people in different niches can definitely get results as long as they have some of these values. And they have a product or a course that they know they can scale that is already selling. [00:10:17] So those are some of those key things that have helped me narrow it down. So now my, my question to you is, if you're thinking about beta launching, or even if you're not and you're just learning from me, how can you get really, really specific with the kinds of people that you're trying to reach and attract into your business? [00:10:37] Who would be most likely to get benefit from what you're doing? Right away without you having to teach them a bunch of extra information first. Right. And in that, who would you love working with the most? Like, I love all online entrepreneurs, but it's way more fun for me to talk to somebody who's been in it for awhile, who already gets results, who understands more of the struggles of scaling than somebody who's just starting out and trying to pick the right software and figure out what their offers should be and all of those things. [00:11:11] But you know, I haven't had to worry about, and a long time, you know, it's way more fun for me to be working with somebody who is like me than somebody who is well behind me. And I think that I can serve those people better as well. So who do you love working with? The boast. Definitely take that into account. [00:11:27] And how specific can you get with defining who they are in terms of values and in terms of who's most likely to get results from you fast. And that's where I would start in terms of narrowing things down and getting specific. Now the nice thing about that is it's easier to speak to them more specifically when you do market this, and so they're gonna, they're going to know more. [00:11:49]Clearly and faster if this is a good fit for them or not. If you're listening to this and you're like, Oh man, this is totally me. I've been doing online business for awhile. You know, I've, I've had a course that I've been selling, but I just feel like I'm not getting the momentum I need. This might end up being a great fit for you, but if you're listening to this and you're like, Oh yeah, I've never really made more than $20,000 in my business, you know, I have an offer. [00:12:13] I doesn't really sell really well. Not sure if it's the right thing to sell or I don't know the platforms or. You know any of these other things, like as I went through my list, if you're like, ah, no, that's not really me, it's probably not the best fit for you. see how going through something like this and defining it will either help you feel like, Hey, I should really think about this versus, Oh, I probably don't need it. [00:12:35] people can self select whether or not this is a good fit for them. When you can clearly communicate. Who it is that you're trying to attract and why this is a good thing for them. Now, this isn't a sales podcast, like I'm not trying to sell you on this. I'm just trying to use that as an example. [00:12:52] Honestly, my messaging in this is not written in such a way that I would write it if I was trying to sell you on this. we'll talk about messaging in a few episodes from now, cause that's the hardest part of, of doing. A brand new course with a new market, because you just haven't worked with people long enough to know exactly what's going to resonate with them in a big way. [00:13:12]and messaging is something that you always will be tweaking, but the more clear you can get on who you want to serve, the easier it's going to be to create this messaging in the future. So even though you can help everybody. Don't, don't go specific. When I went from trying to serve all photographers to serving only personal brand photographers or photographers who wanted to do personal brand photography because it didn't really exist before then I lost 85% of my audience. [00:13:46]only 15% were interested in doing personal brand photography. I check those metrics really closely, but my income doubled. In just two years. It was so fast because I was very specific. My messaging was very, very tuned to exactly what they needed, and so it was more relevant and far more effective than trying to speak to just any photographer who wanted to know how to grow some kind of business online. [00:14:13] So there is riches in the niches as they say it is true. And the more specific you can get, the more. Effective. Your messaging will be, your course will be, you'll get better results and you get better people in the course. So get as specific as you can. Don't stay generic. You can always open it up later, but start with a very clearly defined core. [00:14:36] And honestly, I could probably even get more specific with this. This is all still a work in progress, but this is kind of where I'm landing right now. And, don't, don't be tempted to try and keep it open to just whomever, because the more specific it is, the more the right people will hear about it and resonate with it and definitely want to be part of it. [00:14:56] And that's what we're going for is those uncommon commonalities. Those really tight, resonances where they're like, Oh, that's exactly who I am. I definitely want this. So that's what you need to do. It's hard. I get it. It's super hard. It feels super counterintuitive. But the better you can do that, the better it'll be for everyone. [00:15:13] All right, so in the next episode, I'm going to talk about step three, which is about the super painful problem that they have right now that's going to get them to pull out their credit card, because if you're not clear on that. Even if you have the right people around, it's going to be hard to get them to buy. [00:15:29] So I'll see you there. If you haven't subscribed yet, definitely do that so you don't miss an episode. And if you want to get the entire 12 step checklist from episode 10 of season two, which this was step two in the checklist where I went into depths on it, go to personal brand Fill in your email address and I will send it over to you today. [00:15:47] If you know anyone else who needs to hear this podcast, please send it to them. I would appreciate that. And with that, I'll see you in the next episode.