StogieMania Wrestling Podcast - Ep16 Part 3 - WrestleWeekToronto (SummerSlam 2019 Toronto) (AUG 14 2019)


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StogieMania Wrestling Podcast


StogieMania Wrestling Podcast - Ep16 Part 3 - WrestleWeekToronto (SummerSlam 2019 Toronto)  (AUG 14 2019) Welcome to the StogieMania Wrestling Podcast the open mic round table discussion podcast!Join  Steve, Rob,Kyle,Edson, Matt, and Shawn as we share some banter on what we coined #WrestleWeekToronto2019 instead of summerslam week. it was a hectic week of wrestling! and we finally have a chance to sit and talk about our experiences at Summerslam.  As the rest of the IWC continue to call the event a success  aside from the fiend, some of us beg to differ..  Tune in, If you agree with us send us an email let us know your thoughts on the event GET #WRESTLEWEEKTORONTO to be an annual thing!!!FOLLOW US ON:INSTAGRAM : @StogieManiaTWITTER : @StogieManiaYOUTUBE : FAN PAGE :¬if_tGREAT CIGARS , GREAT COMPANY, GREAT WRESTLING!StogieMania