Stop! Sukkah Time.


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Lox Talks

Religion & Spirituality

It's been a minute since we've uploaded a new episode of Lox Talks, on today's episode we catch you up on all things High Holiday related at Hillel. This includes: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot. The trifecta! We also have two important guests on todays episode. First up is Senior Maddy Katz, tune into to hear the great things Maddy has to say about her experience at Hillel through the years, and stay until the end of her segment for advice on how to make the most of your time at UC. Then we have Rabbi Drew Kaplan on to talk about the upcoming event series Torah on Tap, in which students of age can drink beer while learning about Torah. Tune in now for all the info!