Straight Outta Kanto #15 - Liz Marnell


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Episode 15 of the Straight Outta Kanto Podcast Radio Show is the third instalment of our brand new “travel sized” summer series of episodes. Each week this summer, Straight Outta Kanto will interrogate, interrupt and continuously talk over a brand new nerdilicious and talented guest. We're joined this week by American front line hero, convention panellist, blogger and J-Horror academic expert... Liz Marnell! Let Liz and Straight Outta Kanto take you away from the grey, sanitized gloom of your current existence to a darker and more exotic land... JAPAN. Drawing from her own time living and studying in Japan, Liz shares with us not only her thoughts and academic findings of Japanese horror culture, but her own first hand Japanese paranormal experiences. So tune in, grab a big bag of cans, find a shady spot by the canal and... tops off boys – it's Straight Outta Kanto's Summer Series.