[ Straight Talk With Justin ] What To Focus On When Just Starting


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Fitness Business Foundations


This Weeks Straight Talk With Justin!Within these episode I'll be covering different topics from business tactics, mindset, and ways to help you move forward in life and business.  These episodes are straight to the point with zero fluff! I want you leaving these episodes learning something new or thinking from a new perspective.In today's episode I wanted to break down what should actually be the focus when you are just building your business.  So many coaches get this wrong and waste so much time and money on things that just don't matter for the level of business they are at.  Stop trying to make your business look like your at level 20 when you are  at level 1.  You are only hurting yourself and those that you could be serving if you focused on the right things that allowed you to build a solid foundation.High Ticket Clients From Podcasting Application⬇Ready to level up your coaching business, sign up high ticket coaching clients, be seen as the expert and build strategic relationships?  The best part is you can do all of this without a huge social media following (you don’t even need social media) or paid ads.Apply for your free podcast marketing call and let’s see if you are a good fit for this approach.  I don’t accept everyone into my program and you must already have a business, be an action taker, and want to use podcasting as your main marketing focus.If that is you, then let’s get on a call and go over how this will change the game for you.  I look forward to talking with you soon!https://forms.gle/fNawxTV5kNwdrb216