Stress and Relaxation - Foundations of Functional Medicine - Episode 004


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Foundations of Functional Medicine


In this [long-awaited, yet very timely] podcast episode, Dr. Hartman addresses the third pillar of the foundations of Functional Medicine: Stress & Relaxation. What is stress? How does it affect our health, and is it an issue currently in our culture? What are some new scientific insights that are helping us understand the importance of stress on our health, and what can we do to utilize these new insights to optimize our health? Listen in for answers to these questions and lots of resources to help you manage stress and anxiety effectively. Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers by Robert Sapolsky CDC study 2012 APA reference on stress Blog Post on Sleep Altered Traits by Daniel Goleman PhD 4-7-8 Technique The Float Zone (local to us, but have great educational info about floating as well) Muse™️ HeartMath Alpha-Stim BrainWave™️ Binaural beats app