Stuart Wyithe - The Professor of Punks


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Stuart Wyithe was the first Australian to climb the iconic Punks in the Gym, 32/8b+ at Mt Arapiles. It was the hardest route in the world when Wolfgang Gullich climbed it in 1985 and in 1993 was still in the very top of the difficulty pyramid.Stuart got a whole lot of hard climbing done in his time. He also climbed the first ascent of Pretty in Punk, 32 which is another hard line crossing the same wall as Punks.His pursuits in the outdoors are now all about ultra endurance running races. He's been all over the world running 100+km events in totally wild  terrain. He does still find time to climb a few times a week at the gym and can still crank out 28's.Professionally he is now the Head of Physics at Melbourne University studying Astrophysics and exploring the early origins of the Universe.