Super Bowl Time Travel


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Frey and Grim


Super Bowl, IBC puns, buffet drive thru, job spanking, Spanx, eating microwaved Spam with a spoon, Puddin' Shouldn't Wouldn't Couldn't, back to back sex, night terrors, sleep paralysis, doggy dream, egg hose, Alexa, washing your legs, language of the youth, Chick N' Skin, claw games, alcohol in theaters, movie theater handies, mall hall bar, laundry bills. You can now watch Frey and Grim on Youtube! Just search for "Frey and Grim". Follow Frey and Grim on Twitter: @freyandgrim @apfrey @crazydrunkenelf Email us about anything: Don't forget to subscribe to the show and leave us a review on iTunes (or wherever you get your podcasts). Thanks for listening!