Supply and Demand Planning


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Taking Stock


2020 was a year of immense change and disruption, with the pandemic impacting the business transformation plans of consumer-products firms in terms of priorities and modernization schedules. This has brought conversation around supply and demand planning to the forefront. The spikes in consumer demand brought about by the pandemic have forced many of you streamline your production and manufacturing efforts – with a shift in focus to SKUs and product lines that were easiest to manufacture and simply get out the door quickly. 2020 was also a year where, in many ways, forecasts were thrown out the window and companies being forced to react in real time to fast-changing consumer demand, meet retail customer needs, and ensure products are being properly allocated.  Looking ahead, organizations are rethinking their strategies that will allow them to more effectively manage supply chain risk, accurately forecast supply and demand planning, and become more agile in the future.