Systemic Systems & Why Do I Care Pt. 2


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Ask Christina First


In this episode of Systemic Systems Why Do I Care Part 2, Christina takes us even further with pointing out how to determine if your current systems are effective in regards to your business and overall performance. Every morsel of what you handle in and with your business is a system. From how and when you send out emails, when you market your business whether through social media or newsletters, down to when you make phone calls. All of these actions whether you think of it that way or not, has some kind of system attached to it. Set aside some time to go through each of these systems and find out your cycle and how you in particular handle each one. Sometimes an ineffective system just needs a little improvement and you may find it to be completely unnecessary, eliminating it all together could be best. A big hindrance in many businesses is not allowing others to step in to help and this can occur when you have not taken the time to write out each of your systems. Having too much pride in running a business can slow you down tremendously. A good way to begin this process is setting aside some time to track your systems. In this episode you will learn: 1. How to determine if your current system is effective or not2. Ways in which tracking your systems and creating a timeline can help3. Why having too much pride can slow you downWe all have systems regardless of how well we’ve tracked and operated in these systems. Having systems is crucial, but it can also be a drawback if you create systems that only you know how to handle. This episode is designed to bring in new light to old habits that someines need a new perspective.