T is for Trauma: A Conversation with Whitney Walker of Women Waken


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Bright Insights


Leaders, if you feel your emotions are getting beyond the best of you, or you're completely forgetting any sort of self-care, or your relationships are breaking down now that you've taken the helm...it might be time to look at the role Trauma may be playing. In this episode, "T is for Trauma", I interview Whitney Walker, a therapist and recovery coach. She owns Women Waken (which not just for women, as explained in the episode) and will help explain what trauma looks like in leadership, how it relates to addiction, and what you can do to get through it. Trust me: you don't want to ignore any sign of trauma. There could be things that happened to you before you could even speak, and they are just now showing because you're stress levels are triggering. And just to keep things on the real, you'll also get to hear some of my past personal history with trauma as well as Whitney's. Even us therapist types have to learn the hard way! Go to Bright Insights Media for more resources on how to have less stress and more success.