Take a Bike Ride in Killarney National Park, Ireland Vacation Idea


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Ireland: Amidlife Travel

Society & Culture

Do you ever join bike tours or rent a bike to get around when you are on your vacation? We do!  And here's a virtual experience piece and advice for renting a bike and cycling in Killarney National Park in Ireland.  You'll learn about the two most popular biking routes in Killarney National Park (paired with map images below) and can then imagine yourself as part of  a ride, at a pitstop conversation that happened along the cross lines of  a lake shore, a view of Innisfallen island, a large lime kiln, and a peek-a-boo look at Ross Castle in the distance.  Our bike rental and friendly advice comes from the people at O'Sullivan's Cycling and you can find them online at www.osullivanscycles.com . The bike path map images that show the routes discussed can be found at our website at www.amidlifetraveler.comThanks for listening!