The 2nd Pillar Of Happiness In Retirement


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One Minute Retirement Tip with Ashley


This week on the One Minute Retirement Tip podcast, I’m talking about the 3 things you need to get right for a happy, meaningful, and fulfilling retirement. This is not my opinion, but it’s based on findings from a study of 20,000 retirees that followed them from 1994 to 2018.  Yesterday I talked about why money WILL make you happier in retirement, at least up to about $4 million in assets.  Today, I’m talking about the 2nd pillar of happiness in retirement - health. I wasn’t surprised by this at all. Health is something most of us don’t think about until all of a sudden we don’t have our health.  And in retirement, health becomes a forefront issue...certainly much more important that it might have been in your 20s, 30s, and 40s when you were much younger and probably much healthier.  Every day we get older and our bodies are gradually breaking down. To make matters worse, our lifestyle and habits really catch up with us in the last phase of life. If you have arthritis, chronic back pain, or bad hearing, or likely a combination of all 3 of ailments, it’s a recipe for being miserable and in pain all the time, and preventing you from enjoying an active and meaningful retirement.  The good news is, especially if you retire early enough, many of these health issues don’t crop up until your 70s and 80s. And many health issues can be eliminated all together with better habits and a better diet.  That’s it for today. Thanks for listening! My name is Ashley Micciche and this is the One Minute Retirement Tip podcast.  ---------- >>> Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: >>> Subscribe on Amazon Alexa: >>> Visit the podcast page:  ---------- Tags: retirement, investing, money, finance, financial planning, retirement planning, saving money, personal finance