The 3 Biggest Regrets of Retirees — and How to Avoid Them


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Today we’re talking about retiree regrets. Turns out more than half of those retired or close to it have money regrets. So today we’re going to explore those money mistakes and see if we can avoid them when our retirement rolls around. And Stacy, since you’re going to be retiring far sooner than I am, we can use you as an example.  The three regrets: Did not save enough.Relied too much on Social Security.Did not pay down debt before retiring.The 3 Biggest Regrets of Retirees — and How to Avoid Them6 Ways to Heap Up Savings Before You Retire16 Ways to Get Bigger Checks From Social Security8 Surefire Ways to Get Rid of Debt ASAPSupport this podcast at — to advertise on this podcast? Go to and sign up.