The art of doing Nothing


Listens: 12

The ImpleBooks Podcast


When you're busy with your work, creating a side hustle part-time, learning new stuff every day, meeting new people every minute, and I tell you stop and do nothing. You will criticize me for the idea of wasting time.

But in this episode of The ImpleBooks Podcast your host Mithu Roy will share why you should do nothing sometimes, how you should schedule it on your calendar and how to think about productivity with a different lens.

Mentioned Article:

Screw Motivation what you need is Discipline

About The ImpleBooks Podcast

In the ImpleBooks Podcast Mithu Roy shares his learning from Books, Movies, podcasts, Articles, Movies, and all the amazing things that he experiences in his day-to-day life. Mithu Roy is a Software Engineer from India, and he believes that with the power of Books and free knowledge out there he can motivate others to take action. Also, he will share his learning and journey along the way.

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