The Best Quick Fix Golf Tip I Ever Got


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Faith N Fairways


In this episode, you’ll learn…  The #1 reason you aren’t getting better at golf (10:04)  The unsexy secret to improving all areas of your golf game (6:37)  Why progressing too quickly often makes you worse (5:56)  Why YouTube videos won’t magically make you a better golfer (4:34)  The two “non-negotiable” things you need to succeed at anything you want in life, including golf (16:42)   Your living room’s secret to making you a better golfer (13:09)  The surprising yet simple difference between great athletes and average Joes (8:25)  The single most important concept new golfers need to grasp to reach their potential (4:05)  Find out about the 3 most common mistakes that sabotage your game before you tee-off at: