The Biggest Decision In Your Life - Justin Sollis


Listens: 5

Coach Professionally


In this engaging conversation, Mike sits down with Justin Sollis, a career coach and the founder of JSOL's Advisors, to explore the biggest decisions in life: choosing a career that's not just meaningful but also a perfect fit. Justin shares valuable insights into career coaching, transitioning between roles and industries, and helping individuals achieve their dream jobs.

The interview delves into Justin's journey from being a recruiter for Fortune 500 companies to becoming a career coach, offering insights on how coaching empowers individuals to find their dream roles and navigate career transitions. Justin also discusses the challenges faced by professionals looking to switch careers, the importance of personal branding, and the role of networking in job searches.

The conversation covers various topics, including the impact of remote work, the relevance of online networking, and valuable advice for those contemplating entrepreneurship. Additionally, Justin offers guidance on self-reflection to discover fulfilling career paths and the importance of connecting with professionals in industries of interest.

Listeners will gain valuable insights into the world of career coaching, personal branding, and the journey of transforming careers from one industry to another. Justin's success story, featuring a client who transitioned from a Shark Tank venture to the real estate industry, adds a unique and inspiring touch to the interview.

Whether you're seeking your dream job, exploring career options, or contemplating a significant career change, this interview offers a wealth of wisdom to help you make informed decisions about your career path.

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