The CEO's Survival Guide To The Pandemic


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 Real Talk! The time is now to start making money moves and get prepared. It is not the time for you to lay on the couch. It’s another game of survival of the fittest. Listen in to find out how to be fully prepared for this pandemic to not only get through the next 30, 60, 120 days, but prepared to be ahead of the curve and not be left behind.Key Lessons From This Episode:1. Pivoting and Planning. You don’t prepare once the storm hits, you have to prepare BEFORE it hits. The preparation we did before everything hit the fan changed the game for us. How many hours are you spending a day to become strong and fighting for yourself to be stronger? As a CEO, I have people depending on me, they are depending on me to steer this ship to make sure we can make it through this whole thing. As a CEO, being prepared is your job. PERIOD.2. Choosing to not focus on what you CAN’T control, but on what you CAN control You cannot control the length of time we are under these new circumstances. While some parts of the country are opening up sooner than others, it’s still going to be long time before the country is fully up and running to its full potential again. It’s something we cannot control, but we can control how we respond and how we manage our time during it all. You can control where you spend your time and this is the perfect time to be learning new skills. We learned we had to fill a gap in our company. We are great with our live experiences, but we had to learn how to shift all of it to be virtual. That meant new tools, new processes. I’m not going to lie, we hit roadblocks. But that doesn’t change the fact that we took this opportunity of time to fix the gap and ultimately make ourselves stronger in the long run. You have an opportunity to catch up and pass your competition right now. Don’t waste it. Putting in the hard work now will pay off in the future. Nothing is going to happen if you don’t put in the work. You cannot control how other businesses decide to step up to the plate. Some of our competitors are making big moves. For example, some of them have created programs where their clients can set their own prices for the products they purchase. While that’s a great call for them, it’s not a great call for us. We only have jurisdiction over the decisions we make. Your decisions are the only ones you have control over. Period. We do not have control over contracting the virus or not. There are precautions that can be followed, but it’s an invisible threat. I cannot control it. I can, however, control how strong my body is. I had to prepare not only my business but my body. Who's going to make the game-changing decisions if I’m not able to step up to the plate? I cut out drinking for thirty days. Not because I was drinking too much, but because I had to teach myself discipline to make sure I’m ALWAYS at the top of my game. I was going to the gym every day, twice a day. My gym is 15 minutes away. That’s an hour of my day just traveling to and from the gym. That’s out of my control, but how I spent that hour is something I could control. I was catching up on training I fell behind in or reading. I was making myself STRONGER to make sure I could get through this. I controlled how my body and mind was going to be during these uncertain times.3. Sales, Marketing, and Systems. The three major areas to focus on in your company during this time are sales, marketing, and systems.