The Coronavirus versus The Black Plague


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I'm With Phill


Like millions of Americans today in March of 2020, I am sitting in my home office as I record this.  Why my home office? Because of the CORONAVIRUS! Much has been said about this virus.  Almost daily we hear about the deaths all around the world due to a virus that started somewhere in the town of WuHan China. I am not going to make light of this virus, because it has already taken the lives of a few thousand people around the world. There seems to be a 50/50 split of opinion about this virus, half believe it’s a pandemic that will kill millions and the other half believe it may not kill as many people worldwide as the common FLU does each year.  According to the World Health Organization, the FLU kills between 290,000 and 650,000 people every year. And the FLU season in the US usually runs from October through March and occasional as late as May, but not often.  Today happens to be March 25, 2020.  Here are today's worldwide statistics from 471,759 cases, 21,297 Deaths and 114,696 Recoveries. This tells me that if we are nearing the end of the FLU season which kills between 290 and 650,000 people worldwide, that the Coronavirus so far has only killed a very small fraction of people compared to the annual FLU.Either way, the worldwide reaction to this virus is unlike anything we have seen since the Black Plague of 1348 which REALLY was a world pandemic.