The Degree of Freedom from Practice to Theory is Considerably Narrow “small “and the Reverse is Monstrous


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TheDutyLife's podcast


Let me give a metaphor; If I leave a small piece of ice cube on the floor and ask you to predict how the ice cube will melt. It is very simple answer to be predicted. Now if I recommend you, condition of not having seen initially the ice cube and you ask where is the water on the floor coming from? Please stop to listen and provide the relevant answer .You see it is extremely very difficult to give the accurate answer? Why because you will come up with answers of different shapes. It is exactly like going from theory to practice is extremely difficult than from practice to theory. Therefore given something you observe, the generator of the of the observable will be a theory- you have an infinity of theory.Particulary when you are dealing non linearity with Hence theory is born from practice. Most experts retrofit the story.  Phenomelogy- optionality which are anticipatory than backward fitting. Which why the first Program Business Robust strategic will be release not at the beginning of February but by 31/1/2017 is knowledge without a cause, help you avoid  tons losses of your hard earning you invested out in many programs getting rich quick schemes – and you never get close there and never get close to the ultimate results . Yes we don’t have theories- we store facts. Hence we are a lot better at doing than knowing. Why because of evolution. Just as the magnificent ,the maverick entrepreneurs, venture capitalist out there focus on losses and rookies focus on profits- which even explain why most expert will always what to do to drive profits and completely forgetting that you live long by not dying.Buffett .   2 Bad things only come hard upon those who have lived without giving it a thought and whose attention has been exclusively directed to happiness and deriving profits. Disease, captivity, disaster, bankruptcies, are none of them unexpected. Therefore ore If you takes this into your inmost heart and looks upon all the misfortunes of other men, of which there is always a great plenty, in this spirit, remembering that there is nothing to prevent their coming upon him also, he will arm himself against them long before they attack him.   3-The problem can be best explained with this martial principle: The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy’s not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable. All what I am saying is, since we are living in a world that has become more complex due to globalisation and internet. Which has as direct consequence: A huge increase of unpredictability and a high decrease of predictability .Life is no more about getting predictions "right"; it is about knowing how to navigate the environment and controlling it.and BRS         IS ANTICIPATORY RATHER THAN BACKWARDS FITTING