The Future Of Europe Podcast Episode 1 - The European Economy


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Europa United's Eurochat


Welcome to The Future of Europe. A new podcast production by The European Network. Europe is at a crossroads and there are many predictions as to what direction it will take and in this new podcast series, we will look at key issues that will affect the European sphere in the next decade.  Our podcast will cover the big topics like health care, education, civil society and the future of the nations that inhabit the European continent.  We will also bring an uniquely Irish perspective, and address how the smaller European states are going to progress by using Ireland as benchmark. Our guests will be from many different walks of life and backgrounds, each bringing their perspective on how the Europe of today will become the Europe of tomorrow.  Our Podcasts are presented in cooperation with the Communicating Europe Initiative. The CEI was established by the Department of Foreign Affairs in Ireland in 1995 to raise awareness about the European Union and to improve the quality and accessibility of public information on European issues. In our first episode we discuss the European economy and to help answer some questions that many people have about the European economic system, we chat with Frances Cowell. Frances is drawing on her 30 years’ experience in senior roles in banking and finance and we will ask how safe our banks are, whether the European economy is about to implode, levels of debt and the future of cryptocurrencies in Europe.