The Gospel is for the Spiritual Seeker


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Karl and Crew Mornings


Today on Karl and Crew Mornings, the team continues their theme of, "The Gospel is for Everyone," with a day talking about spiritual seekers. Romans 3:10-17 shows us that no one who does not know God seeks God. Although this is the case, there those who seek the spiritual realm. Whether it is palm readings, Ouija boards, or psychics, there are so many ways people choose to seek the spiritual life. These things will never change a person's life, rather, they can bring a person into a dark place. These people need to hear about Jesus. The team talks about why these people seek what they do, how we should approach them rather than be afraid of them, and even asks you, the Boom Crew, to share your story if this is something you did before you found Christ. Take a listen to the Karl and Crew Showcast to hear some of the best moments from today. See for privacy information.