The Hampton Roads Summer Market Is on Fire


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Virginia Beach Real Estate Podcast with Robbie McCarty

News & Politics

Why is the Hampton Roads real estate market so competitive this summer? I’ll explain today. Buying a Hampton Roads home? Get a full home search Selling your Hampton Roads home? Get a free Home Price EvaluationWhat’s happening in the Hampton Roads real estate market this summer? There are a few main points to pay attention to. First of all, interest rates are still very low. Right now, they’re hovering around 4%, which is great news for any buyers in the market. Inventory levels are also extremely low. If you are thinking of selling your home, the market is on fire. Now is a great time to put your home on the market. Low inventory does make things a little more difficult for buyers, as there are fewer options available on the market. Plus, great deals and awesome properties are being snatched up quickly. Remember, markets can change at any time.If you’re thinking of selling your home, don’t get too cocky. Remember, markets can change at any time. What goes up eventually must come down, so take advantage of the increased prices in the market now. If you’re buying a home, I recommend working with a top agent who’s looking at properties every day. That way, you’ll know the minute a home you’re interested in hits the market. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the market in your specific neighborhood, just give me a call or send me an email. I would be happy to help you!