The Hidden Power of Your Dreams


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'Let’s Talk Relationships and Life'


Join Louise Armstrong and Elena Angel - a gifted intuitive, teacher, speaker and mentor: To look at the hidden power of your dreams and how you can work with them to transform your life and relationships. Amazing Revelations of: 1. What your dreams are telling you about yourself and your relationships. 2. A powerful way to detect and overcome hidden blocks to love and intimacy. 3. How to elevate your attraction factor, and enjoy more harmonious and loving relationships. 4. How to strengthen your connection with your Higher Self and Spirit to receive guidance and open to new opportunities. 5. How you manifest through dreams. More about Elena Angel: Elena’s signature approach to self-discovery and transformation focuses on relationships, sexuality, spirituality and applying spiritual principles for success. Elena has been featured in the Sunday Times, the Metro, Psychologies Magazine, Natural Health, Soul & Spirit and many other UK publications. These days, she works mainly online, coaching individuals and groups, and is launching a new programme, entitled DreamsGate™ Transformation, later this year.