The Mindset Podcast: Episode 406


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Mind Set Central


The Mind Set Podcast is weekly attempt to open eyes, and try to shed some light on what’s really going on in the world. All done by ripping apart the media madness that masquerades as news. All with a healthy dose of paranoia. Hosted this week by Gareth Davies, Ben Emlyn-Jones and Niall Murphy. Some of the topics discussed on this weeks show: 1. White Male actors loosing work... 2. Are we at the beginning or end of culture change? 3. John Cleese - Extremism 4. 14 years at LOWES 5. The Left / Right misdirection 6. Protests Haven't Fueled Coronavirus Surges 7. How radical are your beliefs? And so much more! Music Played – “Immigrant Song” by Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross featuring Karen O Until Next Week, Peace Out Humans…