The No. 1 Mistake People Make When Dealing With the IRS


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Tax Resolutions Podcast with Tom Scott


If you get a tax notice from the IRS, don’t put your head in the sand. Instead, call your tax advisor or a tax resolution specialist.Click here for a FREE tax relief consultationCheck out our FREE tax resource library Dealing with the IRS is usually a scary subject for most people. If they receive a piece of mail from the IRS, they might look at it a while before opening the envelope...if they open the envelope at all. They don’t want to know what’s inside because it’s almost always bad news. They know they owe the IRS and think that if they just don’t open the envelope, the problem will go away! This is the No. 1 problem people have when dealing with the IRS: putting your head in the sand. This is no good, and it will only result in another piece of mail from the IRS in about a month, right about the time you forget about the first letter. Perhaps you finally open the second envelope and find that you owe the IRS a ton of money. You have no idea what to do, so you call the phone number on the tax notice and get put on hold for about an hour before you talk to someone. The IRS agent then talks to you about how you messed up and didn’t report some income, or how you’re getting audited and better pay up or be prepared to defend yourself. They tell you to pay now or you will have more penalties and interest or you could get your bank accounts and property levied. You might not know what “levied” means, but you know that it’s a very bad thing and understand that you could lose your property to the IRS.  If you have a problem with the IRS, it won’t go away if you just stick your head in the sand.We have all heard stories about the big bad IRS taking people’s bank accounts and homes. So what do most people do? They panic and hang up, of course. The problem will go away if they ignore it. Again, this is not good. What should you do instead? If you receive a tax notice from the IRS, open it immediately. If it’s not just a little amount for interest, call your tax advisor or a tax resolutions specialist. We are equipped to work with the IRS for you. By the way, if you ever receive a call from the IRS, whether it’s from a human or it’s a robocall, immediately hang up. This is a scam. The IRS never calls—they only send mail through the US post office. Additionally, you should sometimes beware of those mail items, because they can occasionally be scams too. It’s a scary world, so call your tax resolutions specialist if in doubt. If you have any type of tax problem, you should protect yourself by hiring a qualified tax problem specialist. We’re experienced in negotiating with the IRS to get you the lowest amount that you have to pay. If you have any other questions about this topic, you have a tax problem, or you know someone with a tax problem, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I look forward to hearing from you.