The OFW Pod Ep 13 - Third Culture Kids and Growing Up Expat


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Overseas F-ing Workers (OFW pod)


We talk to our producer Marco and his sister Iz as they share with us their experiences growing up and tagging along with their parents expat/OFW experiences in Jakarta, Indonesia and Bangkok, Thailand.  In this episode we talk about: Do kids care if they have to move countries and when do they start caring? Is it harder to repatriate, even for children? What are the dangers of expat living, especially in politically-dangerous times? Extended discussion of the 1998 riots in Indonesia. (wiki link for quick reference: So join Jocelyn and these siblings talk about all of these things and how those experiences turned them into the OFWs/Expats they are today. REMINDER: This episode was recorded before the ongoing (as of Mar 23) Coronavirus crisis. It will be some time before we're able to do these superior sound quality group recordings again. Stay tuned for more recordings done via video call in this new normal (circa March 2020).