“The Promise” Joshua 24


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Westminster Calvary Chapel

Religion & Spirituality

The French Revolution, which started in 1789, was a moment in world history noted for unprecedented atheism. Historians say it was the first major political movement to advocate for the supremacy of human reason over belief in God. We can see that the 21st century has been similar because the preeminent thought is everywhere - Human reason over faith in God! Weekly bulletin: https://mailchi.mp/0412f345e2f4/t7eysc6qau Small-Group Engagement: https://app.easytithe.com/App/Form/1a7a9a6d-503d-4a40-a4df-1ec41fc86b6d Online Campus: westminstercalvary.online.church Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westminstercalvary/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/westmincalvary/ Support the mission: https://www.westminstercalvary.org/home/online-giving/ Become a Christian: https://westminstercalvary.churchcenter.com/people/forms/124075 Prayer Request: https://westminstercalvary.churchcenter.com/people/forms/37128 #ChurchOnline #DoingMyPartCO #WestminsterCO #DenverCO #NonDenominationalChurch #CalvaryChapel #CGN #ChristianLiving #Hope #StayHome #WithMe #StrongerTogether #BusinessUnusual #CalvaryAtHome #SocialDistancing #AtHome #WeCanGetThroughThis #WeCare #StayAtHome #SaferAtHome #Westminster #WeLoveCO #Community #JesusSavesBro #Westminster #Fear #Anxiety #NewYearNewYou #2021#Abortion