THE REST OF THE SERMON | Rooted & Renegade | Week 6


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West Side Church of God

Religion & Spirituality

Acts 4 (Part 1) What is persecution? How do believers in western culture experience persecution, (or do they at all?) What sort of things should the believer be prepared to say when given an opportunity to share the good news? Join us today on The Rest of the Sermon as we revisit Acts 4:1-22 from Sunday and chat about all these things and more! It's all about Jesus! Show Notes: The Voice of the Martyrs:[…]PV95SvP0D3_XCg1l06XMm_rp7cGgbDNF0T_raDk6-uTG-waAt_xEALw_wcB Foxe's Book of Martyrs: The Reason For God: