The Rise Of A Titan


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We retell the News


Audience, welcome back to The Real Fake News®. This is the weekly Fireside Chat. The world seems to be on fire, which is why everyone comes to The Real Fake News®. For Truth, Justice, Security, and Fun! Young Bill is drinking tea and Old Bill is drinking wine. We're broadcasting live at a moment of National and Global Crisis. We're talking about what to do, and how to think, when the world shuts down. We discuss Young Bill's recent trip to Dallas, courage, washing your hands, and moisturizer for the dry skin. We're talking about fear, panic, the truth, and how to stay clam. We chat about what may be going on behind the scenes, and if this virus is possibly a cover for more covert action. We cover the two different strategies countries are adopting to combat the virus, and the importance of supporting our local small businesses in time of need. We're talking about relationships, touching, and how physical people can be with each other under the specter of COVID-19. Sit back, relax, donate, and listen to "The Rise of a Titan" right here, on The Real Fake News®.