The square root of possible w/ the creators of Netflix's Jingle Jangle!


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Math Therapy


It’s a Math Therapy holiday miracle!!  After bawling her eyes out watching the groundbreaking Netflix Christmas movie Jingle Jangle and raving about it to literally everyone in earshot, Vanessa had the most festive chat in the history of the podcast with the film’s creators!  Writer/director David E. Talbert & producer Lyn Sisson-Talbert discuss representation on screen and why they chose to make math such an integral (didn’t you miss the math puns?!) element to this magical story.Connect with the film and it’s creators:Lyn: @LynSissonTalbert (Instagram) and @lyntalbert (Twitter)David: @DavidEtalbert (Instagram & Twitter)@jinglejanglenetflixfilm (Instagram) and #JingleJangle (Twitter)@netflix (Instagram & Twitter)And find Vanessa @themathguru on all socials.  Happy holidays and stay tuned for Season 3 of Math Therapy coming in 2021!