The Talk Shoppe S6E3: Juneteenth and Joseph


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The Talk Shoppe


Happy Juneteenth, lots of random holiday and Juneteenth mish-mashie shenanigans, it's hot at Cory's house, boring adult talk, guess what (more lawn talk), Mia Khalifa got married, let's all talk about video games (E3 edition), Tom pees everywhere, Sam got himself a brand spankin' new grill, Dexter is coming back for some god-forsaken reason, Vitamin D isn't a meme, Cory is now a cyclist, People who say "ex cetera" and not "et cetera", flag designs are lame, Sam's biker gang adventure, Crust in the Wind - Powerman 5000, Sam saw a high school production of Joseph and the Technicolor Dream-coat, Sam tunes his gay-dar, The story of Joseph is actually dank, What did we learn today?