The Teach Them Right Radio Show – Episode #2: The Church and Racism Forum Discussion


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Finally, show #2 is here! Okay, and since it took me so long to get another out, how about a special treat. I had the pleasure to serve on a forum discussing Christianity and race recently and I want to sure with you. Most importantly, I had a chance to share it with my kids! All four were in attendance and as you can hear, what we discuss at home, gets discussed in public as well.  It was a fantastic panel and definitely set the stage for future meetings, but you are about to hear part one of an upcoming four-part series.  I this episode, we kick off discussing: The role the Christian church plays in the racial discussion going on in America Is it okay for churches to split on preferences? Is there a problem hanging out with people just like you? Enjoy and feel free to leave us a comment below and be sure to leave a review on iTunes! Cool Pappa