The Ultimate Guide To The History Of Event Tech


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Event Tech Podcast


We're taking a trip down memory lane and revisiting the history of event tech! And what better place to do it than the Event Tech Podcast? Over the course of several episodes, we've covered everything event tech-related. From Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to cybersecurity for events and virtual event platform reviews, this podcast has done it all. But the history of event tech is so big, bold, and intricate, that we simply had to dedicate an entire episode to it. Fans of event technology have a real treat waiting for them this week. And since revisiting the past is a great way to see into the future and learn from previous mistakes, today's episode will be a valuable lesson. But we couldn't bring you the history of event tech without inviting a true connoisseur. So joining our incredible host Will Curran is none other than Corbin Ball. And Corbin is no stranger to Endless! He's been featured on #EventIcons before. And as the leading meeting event tech guru, Corbin has plenty of wisdom to share. So, if you're ready to embark on this unforgettable journey and geek-out, press play and join us right now. We're revisiting the history of event tech!