Things we can say together - The Church


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Liquid Church Podcasts

Religion & Spirituality

In this Episode, Paul continues 'Things we can say together' as we discuss the role and names of the church.  Ephesians 3:10-11, Acts 2:43-47 The church isn’t merely an event, something we go to; it is who we are; at times, we may be the ‘gathered church’, in what is really a short coffee break in life, because most of the time we are the ‘scattered church’, being a sign, witness and foretaste of the Kingdom wherever we find ourselves 24/7/365; that’s because we don’t exist for us, to meet our needs—but we exist for the world, to meet the world’s needs, starting but not ending with meaning and purpose, restoration and reconciliation and hope…the mission of the church cannot be properly understood or expressed apart from the Kingdom…but maybe more of that some other time... This podcast is an extract from our online church gathering on August 29, 2021.