This Blood Transfusion Could Save Your Life as Well!


Listens: 192

Living a Better Life


Have you ever thought about helping someone or contributing to someone’s life? Have you felt happy when you have done that? Listen to this podcast to know what it's like to think like this child and with blood transfusion how you too can do something special to make others happy. "Living a Better Life" helps you address this important life lesson of how to lead a better life by understanding the concept of thinking about people and helping others selflessly. You need to know about it as the next time you encounter them, you will know what to do make a happy situation for them as well. If you can do this, the world will become a happier place and you will be happy that you contributed towards it. It could help you and others resolve their problems. Let this boy come into your life to teach you the in's and out's of making someone’s day by just going all out and helping them. Make yourself contribute towards a greater cause and make this world a better place to live in by just making the effort of defining your moment. This is an episode for all those who wish to keep their lives happy and cheerful and use this episode as a tool to make their lives a better one. Let us learn about helping other people who may or may not matter to us and learn how to benefit in life by looking at it from a different angle. As Sylvia Mathews Burwell puts it, " Day after day, ordinary people become heroes through extraordinary and selfless actions.” So understand the reasons for helping any person in your life and live a better life. To know more about living a better life, read our book, "Temple of Destiny". If you want to live a better life, you have a choice and you can choose today. If yes, then just go to Facebook and join the group "Living a Better Life" and take up the 30 day challenge FREE, which will transform your life FOREVER. For getting more help in living a better life just get in touch with us at and we will ensure that your life becomes a successful adventure like never before.