This Question Can Change Your Life


Listens: 204

25 GHANTE® The Podcast


Ep#156. It takes just a straightforward question to ask yourself that can bring your mind on the right track and your actions aligned with your mind whenever you find yourself trapped in the loop pf procrastination, self-doubt, fear of failure, or just mere confusion. This simple one-line question has the power to change the entire course of your day and to uplift your spirit in times of need. Call upon this question whenever you feel the need arising. Listen to the episode of #25GhanteThePodcast where Amitabh talks about this very question and the impact it holds. This simple hack will help you to stay productive and consistent in the long run. These and much more, in the episode.

To find out more listen to the full episode and don't forget to share it as well.

Make sure to subscribe to the Podcast. See you in the episode. Enjoy

Till the next time.

Stay strong, Stay focused, and Be legendary.

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