Tipsy Tash Talks | A Sitcom, Drama Series Kinda Life


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Tash Talks


#TangentTash?S⋊˥∀⊥ HS∀⊥ ⅄SԀI⊥ ?In today's episode I start speaking in riddles in an explanation of why I feel like I am speaking different due to burning my tongue ?To then forgetting what I said ?To talking about some deep self-realisation life | karmic lesson I had learned ✨To getting sidetracked, to forgetting what I was saying again ??‍♀️To sharing some exciting new news ??To talking about some deep personal shit, to forgetting again, to referring to being cryptic due to privacy reasons ?To bragging about my girl lover human BEing God friend KC ?To my daily gratitude mini novels on Facebook which will only make sense if you follow daily or every few days at least.And breathe...To then taking about us being stardust and getting excited over a rock that my niece put a face on ?To then saying "getting my heels wounding" instead of the intended "getting my wounds healed" to sharing an old drunken memory from New York 2018 to getting distracted again. ?There's also some whispering so if you're into the whole ASMR you may dig those bits. ?WARNING:Around 22:00 min in I do share a tearful moment of realisation.I get to the original point of the who sitcom moment in the story at around 28:00 min lolGood luck with keeping up with all the open tabs in my head guys!Oh, and there is a lot of fast-talking. #ADD lifeMany things I spoke of, in hindsight need some explaining or further detail, but if you play along at home over on Facebook, you're probably on top of it all and if not, all will be revealed over there eventually as it all rolls out and in my reflection pieces.Also, if you work out what this episode was actually about, please fill me in and if you actually get something out of it, share the love cause I am tipsy and cringing but publishing anyway so the support will be appreciated ?Also, I did put it out to a vote should I publish or can it and it was a full 100% towards publish, so you guys wanted it, here you go.. GOODLUCK!Oh fuck, I apologise but also if you laugh, you're welcome ?BASICALLY:1. I should not have recorded this under the influence but did, and it's not the first nor will it be the last time I have documented my tipsy shenanigans2. Lucky I don't get embarrassed, I just laugh at myself lol3. I am just Tash in all my multidimensional no BS tangent storytelling coloured ways, love me or leave me, this is who I BE.