TNT ESQ: Episode 30 with Ilyse Craft and Ray Hildebrand - SELF CARE VERSUS SELF SOOTHING


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Today’s guests are not a duo by standard definition. In fact, we are here together as a group of four to expand on an interaction via a LinkedIn post. It became so dynamic we needed to sit down and have the conversation. Ilyse Craft is a High Performance Coach for Entrepreneurs from Long Beach California  Ray Hildebrand is a CRO at Solv Risk Solutions from Dallas Fort Worth Texas. Rhys is in the UK and I’m in Canada. We are spanning the globe for today's conversation which started from a LinkedIn post. The discussion from LinkedIn has brought us into the virtual space for all 4 of us to expand our thoughts on self care versus self soothing. Ilyse and Ray offer their insights and experiences sharing nuggets of wisdom that our listeners will be able to grab and run with today! If you want more of both Ilyse and Ray (and why wouldn't you???) you can connect with both of them on LinkedIn!