Top 5 Unique U.S Wine Experiences​


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House Wine - By Grape Unknown

Society & Culture

If you’re ready to go against the grain (in this case - against the grape), shake things up (like a wine squirt gun) and experience a little uniqueness the wine world has to offer…. James and I have five fun suggestions that might be right up your alley and maybe in your own backyard, if you live in the U.S.And even if the chances of you actually packing your bags and booking one of these wine adventures is pretty slim - it’s still super interesting to know that these experiences are out there!PLUS, if you've ever wondered what's the deal with ice wine... I cleared up a lot of James' questions on the topic - questions like... Why ice wine is a thing? How it’s made?  Where it’s made? etc.One of our top 5 experiences is drinking wine at an ice bar. So, this all makes sense once you press play!