Trails to Rebirth - D&D Session 5


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Die Cast


Session 5 of our biweekly D&D campaign. The party has currently been hired to retrieve Baron Ludwig Dragomir Morett Ivar, 4th Earl of Elfarid, Knight at the Court of Melchor's family heirloom that has been lost for several generations. They were given the last know location of the heirloom, the old ruins of a Paladin Temple of Tyr that has now been overrun by gnoll and used as their small base of operations. Heading into the catacombs of the temple, the party has run into several groups of gnolls, an exceptionally powerful gnoll, some odd oozes that take the forms of others. We catch up to the party about to head out and open the last door that they had sealed shut that had the sound of something eating on the other side of it. Hopefully, this is where they will find the heirloom, or it might just be a hallway leading to more danger.