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LISTENING TRIAL stage4 提出ノート(英語リスニング教材 リスニングトライアル)


p.12 TRIAL 12 エクササイズ Man: You know, it looks as though it is going to rain this weekend. Woman: Oh no! Does that mean we might not be able to go camping after all? Man: Well, I guess that will depend on how much rain we get. If it doesn't rain too much, we will be able to go. In any case, we'll have to take our wet weather gear. Woman: Oh, I hope it doesn't rain too much then. I missed out on the trip last year because I had examinations, so I definitely don't want to miss it this year. Man: Well, we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed. Woman: Do you know how many people are planning to come this year? Man: Yes, there'll be fifteen of us. Woman: Oh, that's a nice number. Not too many, but enough to have a good time, and to share the jobs! Man: Yes, I agree. It's a pretty good number of people, and it means we will have more people collecting the firewood and helping clean up at the end of the camping trip. Woman: Have you heard if Janet is coming? Man: Yes, she's supposed to be. She's one of the best drivers. Woman: Oh, great! I think I'll try to go with her. Man: That's good. See you on Saturday.